une pushimet dimerore i kalova ne shtepi, ky pushim si e kalova mundet te jete pushimi me i mire nderrmjet te gjithe pushimeve te tjere. Une pushimin e kalova me plot lumgytfrtturi per shembul luajta me shoqet bem njeri bore shume te madh luajtem me topa bore i hudhem njeri tjetrit me snowballs. Mua me pelqen dimri shume sepse kur vjen dimri zbardhen natyra me boren e pare qe bie ne toke, e pas saj fillojn te bien edhe te tjerat. Une ne kete pushim dimerore mendove se nuk do te bije bore, sepse kishte kaluar shume kohe por nuk kishte ra bore por nje nate nga ditat e pushimeve dimerre fiua te bine borat nje nga nje, une ate nate dola jashte dhe kisha nitur aty nje kohe te gjate. Mua dimri me pelqen shume sepse tere dimrin natyra zbardhohet dhe ndryshohet dhe si ne kete dimer zbukurohet dhe besoj se te gjithe njerzit e pelqejme . Tere dimrin pijsha cokolate me quksht te ncehur duke pare te xhami si po bien bora nje nga nje ne toke.Dhe ky dimer me kaloi keshtu dhe pas kesay me filloi shkola dhe mesimet
I spent the winter holidays at home, this holiday as I spent it could be the best holiday among all the other holidays. I spent the holiday with full of happiness, for example, I played with my friends, made a very big snowman, played with snowballs, threw snowballs at each other. I like winter very much because when winter comes, nature turns white with the first snow that falls on the ground, and after it the others start to fall. I thought during this winter holiday that it would not snow, because a lot of time had passed but it had not snowed, but one night during the winter holidays the snow started falling one by one, that night I went outside and I had been there for a long time. I like winter very much because throughout the winter nature turns white and changes and like in this winter it becomes more beautiful and I believe that all people like it. All winter I drank hot chocolate while watching the snow falling one by one on the ground through the window. And this winter passed like this and after that school and lessons started for me